Your Brisbane Tongue-Tie Release Specialist
Dr. Kyle is an experienced surgeon performing Tongue-Tie Release (Ankyloglossia). It is a condition present at birth whereby a short, thick or tight band of tissue (Lingual Frenulum) tethers the bottom of the tongue's tip to the floor of the mouth.
In the majority of cases, tongue mobility improves with time. If it doesn't, then a Tongue-Tie Release is a possible treatment option with Dr. Kyle Kowalewski.
Scroll down to explore the possible signs and symptoms of Tongue-Tie.
Signs & Symptoms of Tongue-Tie

Difficulty sticking out the tongue past the lower front gums/teeth.
Trouble with lifting the tongue to the upper gums/teeth and/or moving the tongue from side to side.
When sticking out the tongue, the tongue appears notched or heart shaped.
Difficulty breast feeding that can lead to inadequate nutrition and failure of your baby to thrive.
Your child (older) expresses problems associated with the tongue that interfere with eating, speaking or comfortably reaching the back teeth. There are noticeable speech difficulties that can interfere with certain pronunciation of sounds such as "T" and "TH".