Your trusted General Surgeon.
Dr. Kyle is a fully qualified General Surgeon. He has extensive experience in treating a diverse range of Elective General Surgery Conditions.
If you would like to discuss your general surgical concerns, please book a consultation with Dr. Kyle via his reception at Capestone Village Family Practice. Please note, a referral from a General Practitioner (GP) is required for your consultation with Dr. Kyle (so that you can access a Medicare Rebate if you are a Medicare Eligible Patient).
Please scroll down to explore Dr Kyle's Schedule of General Surgical Services.

Schedule of General Surgical Services
Cosmetic Mole Removal
Ganglion Excision
Inguinal Hernia Repair
Melanoma Excision
Skin Cancer Excision
Umbilical Hernia Repair
Carpal Tunnel Release
Cosmetic Scar Revision
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
(Gallbladder Removal)
Open Lymph Node Biopsy
Skin Flaps
Ventral Hernia Repair
Femoral Hernia Repair
Incisional Hernia Repair
Lipoma Excision
Release of Tongue-Tie
Skin Grafts